Aug 23, 2009

[TRANS] 090821 SME Against the Evidence Preservation

Posted by Nez
The first hearing happened today, August 21st at the Seoul Central District Civil Court at 10:20. Park Byeongdae was presiding as the judge.

SME filed for an appeal against the Evidence Preservation application, stating that "The receipts of the TVXQ members' income, as welll as otger documents and materials needed for this settlement to proceed is the company's trade secret. And if this is to be exposed to the media can be fatal"

The court described an "in camera" system to invalidate SME's claim of a fatal risk. The "in camera" system is the process in which the viewers of the evidences are to selected/limited number of people only. Because of this, TVXQ's payment issue can be resolved now and the current conflict can be raised.

Source: naver
Translation: ELUNE @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

explanation to what an "in camera" hearing is and why SME says it's fatal (this is my own input)

In Camera (Latin, meaning "in private") is a type of hearing where the things discussed pose a threat to a side (in this, SME) needs to be only with a limited/selected number of people.

SME is a corporation, and every company in this world has trade secrets that they should keep a secret. It's what makes or breaks the company. Especially with SME, everyone wants to know why their artists are successful (not saying all...just stating a case) and SME must guard whatever they're doing (secret promotions, affiliates, other corporate moves...) to keep other companies wondering.

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