Mar 23, 2009

YunHo Father's Warm Words To Fans

Posted by Nez
As the April 4th concert in Nanjing nears, the Chinese fans received a greeting via email from Yunho's father. Various Yunho portals in China have received this message, around 2000 hrs (GMT +0800) on Friday, March 20th. The translation of part of the email is as follows:

Hello everybody, I hope every one is doing well. I am very grateful for your constant support towards Yunho and your love and concern for our entire family. TVXQ will be performing in Gwangju next week (March 28th). I am really looking forward to that day as it will be the first time TVXQ will be performing in Yunho's hometown in two years.
There will be a concert in Nanjing on the 4th of April. I have heard that Nanjing is a charming and beautiful city; I am also very thankful for the hosting invitations from the many Chinese portals for our family, but I am afraid we will not be able to visit Nanjing this time as both Yunho's mother and myself need to work. We will definitely be there the next time. The Chinese fans' support and concern for Yunho is really deep and passionate, and we believe that it will be the same for the coming Nanjing concert.
Spring is here, dust and pollen will be more common so please do be careful of flu and bronchitis. I wish good health for everyone!

- Yunho's father

Take out with full credits.
Source: tvxqfever
Credit: +
Translated by: Banana-chan@tvxqfever

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