Jul 15, 2009

The adventure of die-hard Nunas with 2PM in Thailand

Posted by Nez

2PM returned to Korea for almost a week now but they still have left Thai fans like us missed them like crazy, counting down days dying to meet them again in the next few months. We hope that apart from Tangmo Pan (Watermelon Frappe) and Pad Thai, all 7 boys will think of Thai fans as well. Why you think about only food, boys!!

For the past week, Nunas from 2pm-online and Madam2PMsubs team did have a very great experience from the visit of 2PM in Thailand. Since most of the members in our team have never become real fans of any boy bands or girl groups before, it has caused us a lot of surprises on how can we finally end up being crazy with these unordinary Korean idols and we could not stop ourselves from deeply obsessed to them.

When we heard that 2PM would come to Thailand, our 2PM-passionated-blood was getting hot (from love… LOL). Since their arrival in Bangkok, we tried to follow them everywhere so as to report their news in every movement from the first day until they departure. Thanks Sony Music Entertainment Enterprise Thailand for this special event.

Before going on our story, there is one important thing that I would like to confess about our group. The thing is, after we had calculated the age of our members, we found that those ages has go far beyond the average age of teenagers for several years. (OMG!!!) Due to this, going out to a crowded and big concert like POP Music Award 2009 to the nunas (like us) was not different from taking part in an adventure at all.

After we interviewed the boys in the morning of July 3rd, we moved to Pattaya, our beautiful beach city, about 2 hours drove from Bangkok. We checked-in a hotel and planned to take a look at the concert venue first, which situated on a Bali Hai port, closed to the beach before going out and finding something to eat. (Since we hadn’t eat anything after lunch yet)
When we arrived at the concert stage, A.J. was rehearsing his performance. So we decided to cheered him up (absolutely, we meant his dancers and rappers too, LOL..) together with a group of his fans. Suddenly, we heard someone said that 2PM already left the hotel to the stage. Then, it left us no choice.

At that moment, we forgot food and everything and wait until the boys arrived around 1.30 AM, with dozens of Hottests followed. 2PM arrived nearly 2 am without knowing that their Nunas fans then had only little strength left. (Though we’re getting old but we are young at heart, LOL). But, when the intro of “Again &Again” was played with the boys appeared on stage, our energy was recharged suddenly with the boosted-up power to scream. (like crazy, as you know)

On the rehearsal stage, Jay still looked sick with his raucous voice due to the flu. He also coughed while singing. Hence, seeing that he had shown his strong leader spirit to us, all the nunas gang were harmoniously shouted to cheer him up out loud “Jaebeom fighting!! Jaebeom fighting!! ”. I thought that it might hurt his ears and caused him to think that ‘why these nunas haven’t got to bed yet?’ then finally he sat down on the stage and said “Khob khun Krab” (Thank you) but that even made some of us wanted to fainted (because of his cuteness) and caused us screamed much louder LOL.

It was pity on that day that the staffs did not allow us to take photos or video of their rehearsal stage. Previously, I confused why, but after I saw Taecyoen dressed (in his own fashion style, LOL), I understood their reasons clearly. The dorkiest Taec wore “pink Micky Mouse” bed pants!!, singlet, eyesight glasses with an uncle-style hat!! I wondered why he still needing a hat at 2am in that hot –humid weather. Were the staffs wanted to keep this rehearsal a secret? No No No, I think they might scare that these crazy nunas might have done something crazy like capturing some pictures that might finally return to discredit the singers later, LOL. (However, we understand your style well,Taec, since we’ve seen in Mnet Scandal.)

Jay wore a red t- shirt and blue warm-up pants while Junho wore a cute purple t-shirt. (so blink blink!) Cute maknae, Chan Sung wore black singlet but Khunnie did not come with the group because of his back pain.

After awhile, it seemed that Taec had got some feeling that his nunas might not be crazy enough. He gave us “fans services” several times like sitting in the front of stage, smiling and laughing to the fans, taking off his (eyesight) glasses until Channie could not stand those anymore and poked him to stop. At this point, Chan Sung seemed to be very considerate to notice that if Taec didn’t’ stop, he might caused these oldies nunas to die because of high blood pressure and faint because of energy running out. (Oh!!!!)

That night, Jay seemed to run out of his energy according to his flu and their tight schedule since the morning. So at the end of “10 Point Out of 10” instead of raised himself up acrobatically, he just walked slowly, put his head down and raise his leg up. With only that, however, we still screamed at him LOL. Chan looked sleepy but still waved his hands to say hi to fans. Above all, Wooyoung was the winner that night because his bright smiling won over nunas heart since in that morning until almost next morning. I understood then why Khun appreciated U-don’s cheerful personality a lot.

We went back to the hotel and had a very good dream of our beloved boys. The next day, there was a fun fan meeting event at Lotus Pattaya where hundreds of Hottests had a terrific chance to getting close to them and got their autographs. You could see some cuteness pictures in our gallery. The 7 boys were cheerful and looked awesome.

But in that evening, the strength and potency of the nunas had been tested. We went to the Pop Live Award 2009, which was also the destination of about 20, 000 viewers gathering there and waiting for their favorite Thai and foreign artists.

2PM scheduled to perform around 11 PM but we arrived there around 7.30PM. Is that too early??? No No No, If compared to others fans and viewers, we seemed to arrive quite late and that caused us to stand a bit far from the stage. We talked with other 2PM Hottests from several websites including fans from Singapore, Korea and some from Malaysia and lastly came up with a plan; the plan that would lead us to be closed to the boys. OK, as we set the stage as our goal, we then took a deep breath and let’s move. (Nunas Fighting!!!!!!)

A pace by pace, our group tried to jostle and move forward to the stage so as to see and cheer our boys as close as we could as well as leading the way for our photographers to get the best shots of 2PM for other fans. (who didn’t have a chance to come)

The stage was very beautiful that day, but we have a little chance to enjoy the other performances. Since the weather was so hot!!, after two hours in crowded viewers, some of young girls started to faint and fell down one by one but they still didn’t want to leave. So it was us (older nunas..) who has to be the nurse in need, trying to give them some air by waving a fan that had several Jay’s pics on it and another fan with Junsu pics. (See their pictures on those fan were really the support to our heart.. LOL) At the end, the oldies nunas still strong (although we hadn’t eaten any dinner yet) LOL …

After some performances on stage, it was the ceremony to announce the winners of Pop Awards. Still, 2PM had not appeared yet but a dozens of young girls fans had fainted. I really meant “a dozen” or even more than that. However, at that time everybody could not leave because on the backward of us was too crowded and quite dangerous to push out in that situation. We shared some drinking water and herbs inhaler. Oh!! Actually it caused us a very high risk to get infected to the 2009 flu virus from this event. I just realized that being a real fans…is not that easy..LOL.. It is a superb experience.

But most of all, the most impressive thing for me is the heart of all brothers and sisters who also shared the love to 2PM. No matter where we’re from, we were helping and taking care of each others. Some of us may age differently or some may even the same as their mother or aunt, OMG!! On the other hand, on one in the nunas gang fainted. We still felt very strong and could be able to help ventilate the fans to give some air for young girls around us. I think what make us could stand that long among crowded viewers, under the hot weather was because of the Adrenaline of 2PM circulated inside us.

After the host said “it’s time for 2PM,’ we forgot everything and screamed out loud through the whole 4 performances.

Take out with full credit.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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