Jan 12, 2010

BEAST JunHyung and F.cuz Jinon are close friends

Posted by Nez

It has been known that F.cuz member Jinon and BEAST JunHyung are close friends.

The 2 of them have attended the same high school AhnYang Arts High, and have been close friends since they were in high school.

F.cuz is set to have their debut stage with the song ‘Jiggy’ on KBS Music Bank on 8th January. While BEAST will be performing their followup hit song ‘Mystery’ on Music Bank too.

JunHyung tells a Newsen reporter, “I heard about Jin Chul’s (Jinon’s real name) debut. We have been dreaming to be singers together since high school and I hope we can get along well.”


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Credit:K BITES
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