Dec 31, 2010

[Random Post] Bye- Bye 2010 . Hello 2011 !!

Posted by Nez 0 comments

Yeah! there's so many thing happened in 2010 right? The happy things, the sad things, the things that annoying.. yep really that many
Me myself absolutely gonna miss 2010  the most!! 

  1. I've met a lot of new friends, i had a new classmates
  2. My sister study abroad
  3. First time study new subjects.. which is really hard
  4. Become Editor for my school magazine!
  5. Went for the first time to a kpop Idols fanmeeting! (u-kiss)
  6. First time entered a speech competition and I won!!!
  7. First using Facebook
  8. Have a wonderful Parties that I organized with my Friends!!
  9. Hari Raya yg best!! with all my cousins!! miss them all now :(
  10. Got num 5 at my mid year exam!
  11. Sweet 16

I bet all of u had a wonderful time in 2010 right?
hope we'll meet someday! 
and remember, everytime on 31st December of whatever year we have to enjoy every moment with people that we love the most.. :)

for me, i can't never forget the year of 2010.. NEVER!!
there's SO MUCH things happened this year! if i had power to turn back time i will turn time to 1st january 2010, seriously i will.
that's why some people said TIME is really Precious Even Your Life Can't Pay For It
so, enjoy every moment..

only a few hours left before 2010 end forever..
have a nice day everybody!!

2010!! here I come!!
I will do my best this year!!
so sad to be 17.. i don't wanna to leave 16!!
NExt year is my last high school year!
May 2011 be the very best of all of us!


And The New Adventure Begin..


Dec 15, 2010

JAEJOONG, and JUNSU Kittens Gallery [PART 1]

Posted by Nez 0 comments

Wee~~ So cute right!! He is Jaejoong's cat! His name is Jiji!
aww.. i'm gonna name my cat this too then, yay!

Seriously! so cute!
i once had cat like this, but she's gone ~_~

JYJ kittens!! kawaii!! like their owner hee hee d=
There's Jiji,Bakira,Tiger,Leo, and Leon^^

'Hi, my name is Leo'
kyaaa!! so cute!

Tiger and Bakira!

Jiji is so cute!

Okay, i really jealous with Jiji now.,
He can sat on Jaejoong lap! 


Part 2 coming soon~ Just Wait okay!^^

Do not take out without full credits.
Source: JYJ Twitter

[Random post] 15 most Cute Pick Up Lines

Posted by Nez 0 comments

Okay, even me never use any of this pick up lines. Well because I'm girl of course, boys use it to me
 xP hee hee

Let's Countdown One by One

15.You’re so sweet there’s a wanted poster for you at the candy store.
14. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet but nothing compared to you.
13.Every night I go home crying because I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see you again. 
12.Hi, I’m Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me?
11.the spaces between your fingers are meant to be filled with mine.
10. do you have a map cause i’am lost in your eyes <3
9. baby you’re so sweet you put Hershey’s out of business
8. I can’t taste my lips, could you do it for me?

7.They say Disney world is the happiest place on earth, obviously they haven’t been in your arms
6. If i could rearrange the alphabet I’d put u and i together.
5. If you wake up in a red room with no windows or doors dont panic your in my heart…
4. if you were a tear , i would never cry in fear of losing you

3. hey last time i looked at my keybord, i noticed that “u” and “i” are always together
2. Let make it short and simple, I love you

1. if you stood in front of a mirror holding 11 roses; you will see 12 of the most beautiful things in this word.

*All Of these quote I judge it by my own opinion, If u don't agree then make it yourself.

Do Not Take Out Without  The Full Credits.

Dec 14, 2010

3rd Chapter of Our fanfic

Posted by Nez 0 comments

Chapter 3 : New Student ‘A commoner?’

[You POV]
*If u don’t know POV mean ‘Point of view’*

Today is gonna be the craziest day ever! I just woke up from sleep, and look at the clock.
‘Omg!! It already 7:30am! I’m gonna be late for my first day at the new school!!!’
I quickly get up and wear the uniform as fast as I can.

Then I went down to the kitchen try to see if there's something to eat. ‘ _____ would you like something to eat dear?’ my mom calls my name abruptly out of nowhere.

‘No mom, thank you. I already late for school! See ya!’ I run outside like a mad people.
On the way to the school I just realize that I actually forget to bring my phone.

Then I ran again until suddenly when I turn to the left I feel something weird. The next thing I know I actually got hit by someone in a bike.

[Jaejoong’s POV]

‘Where’s the new student? Yunho? I thought you are the one in charge at the new student?’
I look at Yunho face that seems to be kinda nervous.

‘No, is not me. Changmin the one who responsible for that new student’ Yunho said without feeling any guilty in his tone.

Then Yoochun enter the office, ‘Yah! Big problem!’

‘What YooChun?’ I asked

‘Well, I just heard that our Junsu just involved in same kind of accident’

‘Ommo! Really! With who?’ Yunho asked Yoochun and reach his uPhone.
‘911! We got some emergency here!’

‘Yunho no need to! Someone already called the ambulance and now Junsu at the nearest hospital.’ Yoochun said by looking at Yunho with a relax face.

‘Well, what we waiting for! Let’s go now!’ I grab my key and get out from the office together with Yunho and Yoochun.

‘Okay, Yoochun tell me what Hospital Junsu in?’ I look at Yoochun then he says
‘Go straight and turn left’

I immediately drive the car straight then turn left. Within a minute we already arrive at the hospital.

‘Yoochun!! Why you just tell us that the hospital just besides our school!!’
‘I told ya Junsu in the nearest Hospital’

[You POV]

My head felt really heavy. Then I hear some voice, I try to open my eyes reluctantly because I am really tired. Especially after getting hit by someone in a bike.

‘Mom? Is that you?’ I asked while wondering around, and then I realize my mom wasn’t there. Instead there’s some kind a tall guy with a very sophisticated suit stand next to my bed.

The first thing I do is. Yeah scream! ‘Ahhhhhh!! Who are you? What do you want from me? I'm just a normal kid. I don’t have any money!’

‘No no no! I’m not a bad guy. I’m just on the way to my work, then I bump into you this morning remember?’

‘Oh yeah, sorry. Wait! Did you say this morning? What time is now?’

’10:30 Am. Why are you in hurry?’

‘Duh!! I wear a school uniform! Of course I’m in hurry!’

Before that good-looking guy reply me, the door burst open and another 3 super hot guys come in.
I must be still in dream. Why suddenly so many hot guys appear?

‘Junsu!!’ all of them scream and hug the guy who stood beside me. I guess his name is Junsu then.

One of the guy look at me then put him face in a very shock emotion.
‘Oh, is that the Charming All Idol High School uniform? So you the new and one only girl student?’

‘How do you know? I thought that school just open today? And the school supposes to be secret so that the fans wouldn’t disturb them’

‘Sorry, I should introduce myself first. My name is jaejoong and I the principal of that school. And this is Yunho, but I don’t know what exactly his position is. This is Yoochun, he the stylist for the student and the fashion guru that mean he also a teacher there. Last but not least Junsu, he like our brother.So he always with us even though we tell him not to.’ Then that Jaejoong guy smile at me.

I know I’m the lucky person to go that school. But I’m not actually into Kpop thingy. So lets see if the others students a.k.a idols can seduce me to like Kpop.

I look at those 4 hot guys then say ‘Then I can’t wait to go to the school. Can you bring me there? Now?’

I smirk at them ‘And ASAP!’

‘You just can walk you know, it’s not far from here’ Yoochun said. Then all the faces turn to him.

Dec 13, 2010

[Random Post] Don't Pet This Kitty!

Posted by Nez 0 comments
Yep, don't pet this kitty. Well, not that cat above. The photo is just for fun ;p hehe
Anyway, recently (few months ago actually) I was browsed youtube and found these funny videos. Check it  out:
[Part 1]

[Part 2]

[part 3]

[Part 4]

So cute right? well kinda scary a bit.. I mean look at her!! So cute even though she's so fierce. I have the exact same cat like that. but he looks more like this:

He such a good kitty ne~ ^.^
but he also love to bite me..

Well.. he nice ouh and he had these beautiful pairs of blue eyes!!

And he sleep like a human being o_0
at least he quiet when he sleep.

That's all for today^^ hope you guys enjoy this randomly err.. nothing..

See ya next time~
Lets the new adventure begin..


Dec 12, 2010

~ Am I fat?? ~

Posted by Nez 0 comments
Okey, I am indeed not thinking my body is fat.. but lately I was lack of exercise! So i kinda gain a weight a little bit. But i still not overweight and normal shape. But I'm not as small as before, and I really scare if someone come to me and say "Hey u gain weight do you?" i'm gonna scream if somebody even say that to me!
So now i'm on diet, a healthy diet though.I'm only wanna lost few kg like 2,3 kg only.
Wish Me Luck!! ouh, and actually the real reason is, because i bought a new dress and when i wear it  i look kinda big and chubby and fat.. well i guess i do.

~ Just for Fun~ ( I am in love with chocolate!!) but i have to leave it omg!! so sad.. :(


~ What I always Wish for ~

Posted by Nez 0 comments
(This Picture Is Just For Fun :P)
I'm going to post my wishlist here, and i'm gonna make sure i'll get all i want even though it'll take forever

My very first wishlist is:

1. Success in SPM Exam!! at Least get 3A+

2.Buy my dream phone!! Not iphone actually, but i always want it hehe

3.Got a Scholarship! So I can use money that my mom saving for my college to buy something else :P

4.Find out what actually i want to be in the future

5.Buy new cute and expensive dress and clothes that i always want to!
(This Shoe is USD850 = MYR2663.99)
6.New Expensive shoes!!

7.Handbags!! Louis Vuitton
This watch USD3800 = MYR11909!!

8.Buy expensive watch!!

9. (not decided yet)

-So i'm gonna update everytime when something change^^

See Ya!


~New Life . New Adventure~

Posted by Nez 0 comments

Hye ya all!!
Is me the owner of this blog^^ I know its been a very long time since I update..
I've been crazy busy these days., so i hope all the readers wouldn't mind. Anyway I bet you all notice the new layout and the title of this blog right? well I'm changing this blog from a kpop blog to a personal blog!!
So i'm going to blog about anything i like, hope you guys still enjoying my posting then~

See ya~

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